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Community Health Events

Community Event Survey

We wish to understand more about your experiences of attending the community outreach event. This will allow us to provide recommendations for the development of the events to deliver better experiences to patients across mid and south Essex.

We encourage anyone who has attended a community outreach event to give us their views. The survey should take 5 minutes to complete, but it may take a little longer if you choose to write long responses.


Your responses will be used by the MSE ICB for the purposes of analysis and reporting on an anonymous basis. Any data shared with us, will NOT contain any information that could identify you. Reports using this information may be available to the public and anonymous quotes may be included.

Data security

 Your data is protected under General Data Protection Guidelines. Further information on our Privacy Statement can be found online at Privacy - Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System (

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How much effort was made to help you understand your health?
How much effort was made to listen to the things that matter most to you about your health ?
How much effort was made to include what matters most to you in choosing what to do next?

Considering your experience at the event how happy were you with: 

Healthcare professionals (GP, Practice nurse, etc) involvement/engagement 

* required

Considering your experience at the event how happy were you with: 

The other organisations/services available 

* required

Considering your experience at the event how happy were you with: 

The health checks you received 

* required
Select option

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