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Colne Valley PCN

Experience of breast screening

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the UK and the fourth most common cause of cancer death. The good news is that early detection can make a significant difference to treatment outcomes, which is why it’s crucial for everyone to check their breasts regularly and understand the key signs to watch for. However, breast screening data shows that just over half of all women eligible in mid and south Essex take up the offer of screening. 

Currently, women are automatically invited for their first breast screening between the ages of 50 and 53. Thereafter they are invited every 3 years until the age of 71 years. After 71 years women can request breast screening but are not routinely invited.

Breast screening uses a breast x-ray, called a mammogram, to look for cancer that may be too small to see or feel. 

The sooner breast cancer is diagnosed; the more effective treatment is likely to be. Screening can pick up breast cancer before there are any signs or symptoms. 

We are trying to learn what stops people attending breast cancer screening. Your feedback will help us understand experiences with breast screening and identify barriers that may prevent women from attending appointments. This survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete, and your responses are anonymous.  To complete the survey, head to the survey section below. 

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Knowledge and perceptions of breast screening

This section gathers information about your understanding and thoughts on breast screening. It helps us understand how informed you are about the process and its importance.


Have you ever received an invitation for a breast screening appointment?


In your opinion, how important is it for women to attend breast screening appointments?